A Physician's Personal Review of the Adjustable http://bodyhelix.comKnee Helix
Dr. Karl Fields, UNC professor and Director of the Sports Medicine Fellowship at Cone Health Systems, discusses his own experiences with the adjustable knee helix compression wrap. In this short video, Dr. Fields also talks about his patients' experiences and their love of the compression sleeve. (Full transcript below).
Slide: What has your personal experience been with the Adjustable Knee Helix?
Dr. Fields: I wear that product mostly around the office because it’s easy to put on and it doesn’t get my knee quite as hot because it’s got an open patella. And, gosh, I walk, you know, five to ten thousand steps in the office some days and it just makes my knee feel a lot better.
Slide: Why is the Adjustable Knee Helix particularly helpful to some of your patients?
Dr. Fields: There are several studies that have shown bracing to be effective in reducing pain, improving function, but most of us didn’t find wearing a brace all the time was very comfortable and we tended not to continue using it or other stuff. Compression, for me, because I’m flexible enough to do it, is as easy as sliding on, but I’ve got a lot of patients who can’t bend their hip or knee very well, so if we can get a product that straps over, that they can strap on, then I think most of them are finding good relief with that. I’m hoping to test that more in some research we’re actually doing.